Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Jesus Christ I'm not sure if it's the job or the cold weather but I'm a bitter fuck. Oh wait...I just started a Raw Vegan diet. That explains everything.

About a month ago, I started  working for a city agency and became the Deputy Director for the agency's hotline. I used to work here before but as a Resource Specialist which is just a formal way of saying "Bitch who answers the phone". I started about the middle of 09' and quit around December of
2010 to embark on a 5 week uchi deshi training. Everyone was extremely confused. They thought I was going to defend myself from a group of bullies by training karate in a handyman's backyard.

Now I'm back at the agency, practically an uchi deshi again (I'm at the dojo at least 4-5 times a week) but now with mo' powah. I was excited when I found out that I had landed the job but I have to be honest, I just wanted to be selfish, young and stupid. I was already happy, working part-time, going to school and doing karate. I knew it was a great opportunity but I knew I was going to have to make some sacrifices. I took the job because I knew that my mother would be proud of me. I wanted to make her feel grateful for every ounce of sweat and I wanted her to be proud of her investment.

So here I am, a month later, stressed,  trying to keep my eye lids above the halfway mark and itching for another coffee break. I'm fighting the temptation not for the sake of the raw vegan diet (there was no way I was giving up coffee) but because there is no sugar, spoons or coffee stirrers in the kitchen...EVER. Now every day, someone takes the time and brews about 8 cups of coffee for everyone in the office but there is no milk, creamer, sugar, napkins to add and mix it with.

Looking to mix something with your coffee? Use your finger bitch.

I'm sorry but I find  the whole thing disrespectful and I refuse to grow accustomed to black coffee because the agency refuses to spend it's change on complimentary coffee items. I mentally flipping off all of you.