Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Musicals Have Got Me Feeling All Sappy

You know what's awesome about being single? Dreaming about prince charming. And I'm not referring to a regular, chivalrous guy. I'm talking about  your cookie-cut, Disney prince charming; a man that is symmetrically handsome, takes part in some royal legacy and an incredible vocalist that has no shame breaking into song.

Some women would say that it isn't healthy to have idealistic expectations of men because the idea of  "prince charming" isn't realistic. I would tell those women to kiss my clean, powdered and proper butt. I'm going to find him.

For the past couple of months, my friend has insisted that I watch Phantom of the Opera. Being that I love musicals and finally had sometime, I watched it with her this weekend. We started watching it around 2 o clock in the morning and I was pretty tired but found myself strangely engaged, almost like in a trance. Every time the Phantom sang, I could feel the hairs standing; praising on top of my arms. After listening to the album on loop for the past 4 days, its official. I'm in love. There is something about the way the actor sings that makes me feel so...tingly! I close my eyes and almost feel the vibrations of his voice, caressing the side of my neck and it's like an injection of passion being pumped into my veins. If you're feeling queasy from all the sappy language, feel free to vomit here.

Am I being dramatic? NO. Listen to the album. If you don't feel  like being kidnapped by a masked man  that is half sociopath, half Frankenstein then my friend, there is clearly something wrong with you.

In all honesty, I rarely swoon over men. Especially good looking men. I don't like giving them the satisfaction. There are a few celebrity exceptions of course. Joseph Gordon Levitt and Robert Downey Jr. I'm not going to lie, if I saw them in a bar I'd be all over that. There would be no hesitation and in that moment, becoming a rapist might seem just. Eh, but those are just celebrities.  I'll probably never meet them unless you're Joseph Godon Levitt reading this ( Robert Downey Jr, I know that you're married. I'm just getting over it), then...hello, I think we should meet. Talk over a glass of wine? I can show you how pretty awesome I am. I'll bring my extensive collection of Pokemon cards-dammit I've already said too much...

There are pretty much two things that will make me swoon. A good singing voice and really good cologne. That's it. I could care less about looks, job, pastime and drug history. Sure, I guess they're nice to have but I'm talking about that first instant of attraction; the feeling of an invisible magnet pulling you towards someone as you physically restrain yourself from looking too obvious.

If I could sing a love song with a man without it feeling weird, forced and in-genuine, I think that moment would be it.

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