Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Train Rides

I don't know what I'll do without long train rides. For most , living in the city makes transportation a lot easier, especially if you work in Manhattan. I live in the heart of midtown, about a 1/2 block away from the C and E train. I have to admit, its a pretty convenient spot to live in if your stumbling home from a bar at 4am. Through out my entire my life, its taken me about 30 minutes on average to get to any point in the city. Being that I have some form of OCD (totally undiagnosed) that causes me to change into three outfits before leaving the house, its nice that I can rely on the trains being so close to my house but I crave long train rides.

My train rides are pretty short and only allow me to think about how I want to strangle the person leaning on the pole. Serioulsly how inconsiderate is you? Its rush hour and nobody wants to train surf at 9 am. Why the fuck are you leaning agaisnt the pole asshole? 

As train rides get longer, neighborhoods get scarier and most people unmount right on the ghetto borderline of the city. When I finally get to sit, I start to dive into real thoughts. Not the ones where I think about my outfit for the weekend but the kinds that are hidden and brewing some where in the black swirly pits of my brain; the fetus of a great idea.

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